FECAP Mestrado Ciências Contábeis
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Tipo: Dissertação
Título: Gestão ambiental : evidenciação contábil do desempenho social e ambiental do DAEP-Departamento Autônomo de Água e Esgoto de Penápolis com a CORPE - Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Recicladores de Penápolis
Autor(es): Braz, José Luiz Pereira
Primeiro Orientador: Slomski, Vilma Geni
Slomski, Valmor
Primeiro membro da banca: Megliorini, Evandir
Resumo: A busca por metodologias capazes de evidenciar o desempenho social e ambiental das organizações, em vista das práticas de gestão envolvendo o meio ambiente, tem sido constante pelos profissionais e pesquisadores da Ciência Contábil. As ações decorrentes de atividades ambientais das entidades resultam em seu desempenho e provocam externalidades que podem ser de conteúdo positivo ou negativo, influenciando diretamente na imagem perante usuários e a sociedade. Nesta direção, este trabalho objetivou conhecer, registrar e mensurar as práticas de gestão ambiental do DAEP - Departamento Autônomo de Água e Esgoto para com a CORPE - Cooperativa dos Recicladores de Penápolis, procurando gerar informações contábeis capazes de evidenciar o desempenho social e ambiental do DAEP. Para o alcance deste objetivo, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritivo-quantitativa de caráter documental. Verificou-se que a criação da cooperativa de recicladores resultou na formalização do trabalho e na adequação das condições de saúde dos cooperados que tiveram sua dignidade resgatada. Além desta externalidade positiva, verificou-se que as práticas de gestão ambiental do DAEP com a CORPE, no ano de 2007, geraram uma Receita Social à instituição no valor de R$ 392.541,55. Este dado é resultante da somatória da receita de vendas da CORPE (valor das vendas de materiais recicláveis) com o estoque de produtos recicláveis. Estas ações também geraram uma Receita Ambiental ao DAEP no valor de R$ 10.239, 82. Esta receita foi obtida por meio da seguinte somatória: a) redução de consumo da área do aterro sanitário; b) economia com mão-de-obra no aterro sanitário; c) economia com maquinário no aterro sanitário. Isto significa dizer que, medindo economicamente os aspectos sociais e ambientais, obtém-se o resultado do desempenho Social e Ambiental do DAEP em Atividades relacionadas à CORPE no valor de R$ 402.781,37. Subtraindo deste resultado o valor dos Custos Operacionais do DAEP com a CORPE que é de R$ 183.990,86, chega-se a um Resultado Social e Ambiental no valor de R$ 218.790,51. Constata-se, assim, que além dos aspectos positivos com os cooperados e o meio ambiente, a instituição pesquisada obteve ganho econômico. Conclui-se, deste modo, que o Demonstrativo do Desempenho Social e Ambiental gerado com dados do DAEP/CORPE - 2007 é um instrumento que pode atender às necessidades dos usuários da Contabilidade que necessitam de informações não somente econômico-financeiras, mas também de cunho social e ambiental. Tal instrumento contribui para a geração de informações contábeis que possibilitam à organização, além de obter as informações necessárias para a tomada de decisão diante de sua responsabilidade social, também visualizar seus impactos no meio ambiente, bem como o alcance de sua política e objetivos ambientais
Abstract: The search for methodologies that are able to make evident the social and environmental performance of organizations - in view of the managerial practices involving the environment - has been a constant task by researchers and professionals of Accountancy. The actions resulting from the entities' environmental procedures constitute their performance and cause externalities, which can be positive or negative and directly influence their public image before users and society in general. Taking this into account, this worked aimed to get to know, register and measure the environment managerial practices of the DAEP (Penápolis Waters and Sewers Department) towards CORPE (Penápolis Recyclers' Cooperative), attempting to generate accountable information that are capable of stressing out DAEP's socio-environmental performance. To achieve this we carried out our study through descriptive-quantitative research on a documental basis. We observed that the creation of the recyclers' cooperative resulted in the legalization of their work as well as in the enhancing of their health standards, thus recuperating the workers' dignity. Besides this positive externality, we also concluded that DAEP's environment managerial practices towards CORPE generated a Social Revenue of R$ 392.541,55 to the company in 2007. This number was obtained by adding CORPE's sales revenue (value of the sales of recycling material) to the stock of recycling products. Such actions also generated a Environmental Revenue of R$ 10.239, 82 to DAEP. This revenue was obtained by adding the following elements: A) reduction of use in the area of the land waste site; b) economy of work force in the land waste site; c) economy with machinery in the land waste site. This means that measuring the socio-environmental aspects economically, we obtain the result of DAEP's Social and Environmental Performance in the activities concerning DORPE, which totalize R$ 402.781,37. Subtracting from this result the amount of Operational Costs, which is R$ 183.990,86, we reach the Social and Environmental Result that adds up to R$ 218.790,51. Thus, we observe that besides the positive aspects with cooperative-members and the environment, the institution obtained economic gain. Therefore, we conclude that the Demonstrative of Social and Environmental Performance generated by DAEP?CORPE with data from 2007 is an instrument that can attend the needs of Accountancy users in need of information that transcend the economic-financial, but is also related to social and environmental aspects. Such instrument contributes to the generation of accountable information that enables the organization to visualize its environmental impact as well as the reach of its environmental policy and objectives. Besides that, it also enables the company to obtain the necessary information for its decision-making in the face of its social responsibility
The search for methodologies that are able to make evident the social and environmental performance of organizations - in view of the managerial practices involving the environment - has been a constant task by researchers and professionals of Accountancy. The actions resulting from the entities' environmental procedures constitute their performance and cause externalities, which can be positive or negative and directly influence their public image before users and society in general. Taking this into account, this worked aimed to get to know, register and measure the environment managerial practices of the DAEP (Penápolis Waters and Sewers Department) towards CORPE (Penápolis Recyclers' Cooperative), attempting to generate accountable information that are capable of stressing out DAEP's socio-environmental performance. To achieve this we carried out our study through descriptive-quantitative research on a documental basis. We observed that the creation of the recyclers' cooperative resulted in the legalization of their work as well as in the enhancing of their health standards, thus recuperating the workers' dignity. Besides this positive externality, we also concluded that DAEP's environment managerial practices towards CORPE generated a Social Revenue of R$ 392.541,55 to the company in 2007. This number was obtained by adding CORPE's sales revenue (value of the sales of recycling material) to the stock of recycling products. Such actions also generated a Environmental Revenue of R$ 10.239, 82 to DAEP. This revenue was obtained by adding the following elements: A) reduction of use in the area of the land waste site; b) economy of work force in the land waste site; c) economy with machinery in the land waste site. This means that measuring the socio-environmental aspects economically, we obtain the result of DAEP's Social and Environmental Performance in the activities concerning DORPE, which totalize R$ 402.781,37. Subtracting from this result the amount of Operational Costs, which is R$ 183.990,86, we reach the Social and Environmental Result that adds up to R$ 218.790,51. Thus, we observe that besides the positive aspects with cooperative-members and the environment, the institution obtained economic gain. Therefore, we conclude that the Demonstrative of Social and Environmental Performance generated by DAEP?CORPE with data from 2007 is an instrument that can attend the needs of Accountancy users in need of information that transcend the economic-financial, but is also related to social and environmental aspects. Such instrument contributes to the generation of accountable information that enables the organization to visualize its environmental impact as well as the reach of its environmental policy and objectives. Besides that, it also enables the company to obtain the necessary information for its decision-making in the face of its social responsibility
Palavras-chave: Accounting
Environmental management
Administração ambiental
Responsabilidade social da empresa
Responsabilidade ambiental
Idioma: por
País: BR
Editor: FECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado
Sigla da Instituição: FECAP
Faculdade, Instituto ou Departamento: Controladoria e Contabilidade
metadata.dc.publisher.program: Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis
Citação: BRAZ, José Luiz Pereira. Gestão ambiental : evidenciação contábil do desempenho social e ambiental do DAEP-Departamento Autônomo de Água e Esgoto de Penápolis com a CORPE - Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Recicladores de Penápolis. 2009. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Controladoria e Contabilidade) - FECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis) - FECAP, 2009.
Tipo de Acesso: Acesso Aberto
URI: http://tede.fecap.br:8080/handle/tede/453
Data do documento: 30-mar-2009
Aparece nas coleções:Ciências Contábeis

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