FECAP Mestrado Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégica
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dc.creatorBrito, Carmo Aparecidopt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Pereira, Anisio Candidopt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Robles Junior, Antoniopt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Oliveira, Antonio Benedito Silvapt_BR
dc.identifier.citationBRITO, Carmo Aparecido. Um estudo exploratório sobre a atuação da controladoria nas empresas de factoring. 2004. 174 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em -) - FECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, São Paulo, 2004.por
dc.description.resumoO presente estudo dedica-se a analisar como é a atuação da Controladoria nas empresas que se dedicam a atividade de factoring no Brasil, verificando as informações utilizadas nessas empresas e também a sua estrutura. Foram estudadas neste trabalho as origens das empresas de factoring desde os primeiros indícios, nas atividades comerciais, como também as transformações ocorridas com o passar dos anos, a forma de atuação em diversos países e o início da atividade no Brasil. Analisou-se os conceitos de vários autores, a regulamentação, os aspectos tributários, a operacionalização, as fontes de captação de recursos e ao final as relações com os bancos e com suas principais clientes, as pequenas e médias empresas. O levantamento bibliográfico abordou também a Controladoria desde a sua origem, na ciência contábil, sendo analisados os seus conceitos e suas funções, como também as características necessárias e as atribuições do profissional responsável pela condução desta unidade administrativa. Foi abordada também a importância dos controles, como instrumento de melhoria da gestão de riscos das empresas de factoring. E finalmente na pesquisa, constatou-se a utilização de funções e também a existência de departamentos de Controladoria, que são responsáveis por uma grande quantidade de informações para os gestores. A existência de tantas informações demonstra o bom nível tecnológico dessas empresas, foi também verificado que a maior preocupação nas empresas de factoring é com a inadimplência, o que gera grandes desafios para a área de gestão de riscos.por
dc.description.abstractThe present study it is dedicated to analyze the performance of the Controllership in the companies who if also dedicate to the activity of factoring in Brazil, verifying the information used in these companies and your structure. The origins of the companies of factoring since the first indications had been studied in this work in the commercial activities as also the occured transformations with passing of the years the form of performance in many countries and the beginning of the activity in Brazil. One analyzed the concepts of some authors, the regulation, the aspects tributaries, the operation, the sources of captation of resources and to the end the relations with the banks and its main customers, small the e average companies. The bibliographical survey also approached the Controllership since its origin, in countable science, being analyzed its concepts and its functions, as also the necessary characteristics and the attributions of the responsible professional for the conduction of this administrative unit. The importance of the controls was boarded also, as instrument of improvement of the management of risks of the companies of factoring. And finally the research evidenced the use of functions and also the existence of departments of Controllership, that are responsible for a great amount of information for the managers. The existence of as many information demonstrates the good technological level of these companies, also was verified who the biggest concern in the companies of factoring is with the insolvency, what it generates great challenges for the area of management of riskseng
dc.description.abstractThe present study it is dedicated to analyze the performance of the Controllership in the companies who if also dedicate to the activity of factoring in Brazil, verifying the information used in these companies and your structure. The origins of the companies of factoring since the first indications had been studied in this work in the commercial activities as also the occured transformations with passing of the years the form of performance in many countries and the beginning of the activity in Brazil. One analyzed the concepts of some authors, the regulation, the aspects tributaries, the operation, the sources of captation of resources and to the end the relations with the banks and its main customers, small the e average companies. The bibliographical survey also approached the Controllership since its origin, in countable science, being analyzed its concepts and its functions, as also the necessary characteristics and the attributions of the responsible professional for the conduction of this administrative unit. The importance of the controls was boarded also, as instrument of improvement of the management of risks of the companies of factoring. And finally the research evidenced the use of functions and also the existence of departments of Controllership, that are responsible for a great amount of information for the managers. The existence of as many information demonstrates the good technological level of these companies, also was verified who the biggest concern in the companies of factoring is with the insolvency, what it generates great challenges for the area of management of risks.eng
dc.publisherFECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteadopor
dc.publisher.programMestrado em Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégicapor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectFactoring (Finance)eng
dc.titleUm estudo exploratório sobre a atuação da controladoria nas empresas de factoringpor
Aparece nas coleções:Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégica

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