FECAP Mestrado Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégica
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dc.creatorCotrim, Celso Lucaspt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Castro Neto, Jose Luis dept_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Yamamoto, Marina Mitiyopt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Nakamura, Wilson Toshiropt_BR
dc.identifier.citationCOTRIM, Celso Lucas. Contribuição ao estudo da avaliação e contabilização do Goodwill. 2002. 148 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em -) - FECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, São Paulo, 2002.por
dc.description.resumoEste estudo aborda a forma de avaliação do goodwill adquirido e faz outras considerações sobre o goodwill desenvolvido internamente nas empresas, bem como examina o tratamento subseqüente à sua mensuração. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se a introdução do presente estudo, quando são feitas as considerações históricas sobre o goodwill. Ainda, no primeiro capítulo, expõe-se o contexto, o problema, as hipóteses, os objetivos, a delimitação do estudo, as justificativas, as contribuições e a metodologia de pesquisa utilizada para a elaboração deste estudo. Sendo considerando o goodwill um Ativo Intangível, faz-se em seguida uma abordagem sobre a definição de Ativo Intangível, bem como sua importância na vida das empresas. No capítulo III são examinadas algumas definições de goodwill, bem como elencados fatores que fazem que ele exista. Expõe-se, ainda, algumas classificações atribuídas ao goodwill. No capitulo IV aponta-se a forma de avaliação do goodwill quando comprado e algumas formas de avaliação do goodwill quando não comprado, incluindo-se cálculos exemplificativos. No capítulo V verifica-se a relação entre o lucro de uma empresa e a existência do goodwill. Em seguida, são apresentadas as formas de reconhecimento contábil do goodwill, bem como algumas práticas internacionais comparativas. No capítulo denominado O ÁGIO NO BRASIL, são tratadas as formas de registro e manutenção do ágio como ativo no ambiente brasileiro, quando no estudo, são incluídos exemplos de sua contabilização. Finalizando o presente estudo, são apresentadas as conclusões sobre o tema.por
dc.description.abstractThis study approaches the form of evaluation of the acquired goodwill and make other considerations on the goodwill developed internally in the companies, as well examine as the subsequent treatment to his evaluation. In the first chapter, it is make the introduction of the present study, where is made the historical considerations on the goodwill. Still in the first chapter it is exposed the context, the problem, the hypotheses, the objectives, the delimitation of the study, the justifications, the contributions and the research methodology used for the elaboration of this study. Being considering the goodwill an Intangible Assets, it is make soon afterwards an approach about the definition of Active Intangible, as well as his importance in the life of the companies. In the chapter III are examined some definitions of goodwill, as well the factors that do with that it exists, it is approached still some classifications attributed to the goodwill. In the chapter IV it is approached the form of evaluation of the goodwill when bought and some forms of evaluation of the goodwill when no bought, being included calculations exemplify. In the chapter V it is verified the relationship between the profit of a company and the existence of the goodwill. Soon afterwards are presented the forms of recognition accounting of the goodwill, as well as some comparative international practices. In the denominated chapter THE AGIO IN BRAZIL, are treated the registration forms and maintenance of the agio as active in the brazilian ambient, when in the study examples of her accountancy are included. Concluding the present study, are presented the conclusions on the themeeng
dc.description.abstractThis study approaches the form of evaluation of the acquired goodwill and make other considerations on the goodwill developed internally in the companies, as well examine as the subsequent treatment to his evaluation. In the first chapter, it is make the introduction of the present study, where is made the historical considerations on the goodwill. Still in the first chapter it is exposed the context, the problem, the hypotheses, the objectives, the delimitation of the study, the justifications, the contributions and the research methodology used for the elaboration of this study. Being considering the goodwill an Intangible Assets, it is make soon afterwards an approach about the definition of Active Intangible, as well as his importance in the life of the companies. In the chapter III are examined some definitions of goodwill, as well the factors that do with that it exists, it is approached still some classifications attributed to the goodwill. In the chapter IV it is approached the form of evaluation of the goodwill when bought and some forms of evaluation of the goodwill when no bought, being included calculations exemplify. In the chapter V it is verified the relationship between the profit of a company and the existence of the goodwill. Soon afterwards are presented the forms of recognition accounting of the goodwill, as well as some comparative international practices. In the denominated chapter THE AGIO IN BRAZIL, are treated the registration forms and maintenance of the agio as active in the brazilian ambient, when in the study examples of her accountancy are included. Concluding the present study, are presented the conclusions on the themeeng
dc.publisherFECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteadopor
dc.publisher.programMestrado em Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégicapor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectIntangible propertyeng
dc.subjectAtivos intangíveis - Contabilidadepor
dc.titleContribuição ao estudo da avaliação e contabilização do Goodwillpor
Aparece nas coleções:Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégica

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