FECAP Mestrado Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégica
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dc.creatorMeloni, Samanthapt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Weffort, Elionor Farah Jreigept_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Lemes, Sirleipt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Oliveira, Antonio Benedito Silvapt_BR
dc.identifier.citationMELONI, Samantha. Avaliação da subsidiárias estrangeiras em empreendimentos multinacionais: um estudo de caso. 2006. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em -) - FECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, São Paulo, 2006.por
dc.description.resumoO aumento de companhias multinacionais tem trazido muitos desafios para a Contabilidade. Por exemplo, esse tipo de empreendimento - cross-border - exige cada vez mais informações contábeis para a tomada de decisão, especialmente no que concerne à avaliação de desempenho das subsidiárias no exterior. Para analisar o desempenho de suas subsidiárias, a matriz, na maioria das vezes, define uma norma contábil a ser utilizada. As adaptações dos gestores das subsidiárias estrangeiras às práticas contábeis do país da matriz podem gerar insatisfação quanto à avaliação de desempenho. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar, do ponto de vista de percepção dos gestores, os fatores que impactam a análise de desempenho de subsidiárias estrangeiras pela matriz em um determinado empreendimento multinacional. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de questionários enviados a 28 subsidiárias, além da matriz, com o intuito de analisar a percepção dos gestores quanto à avaliação de desempenho. Algumas variáveis foram relacionadas a fatores na busca de conciliar a percepção dos gestores com características do país em que se situam. Os resultados evidenciaram que a percepção dos gestores da variável tradução da moeda está relacionada à inflação do país, ou seja, quanto maior a inflação do país, maior a insatisfação dos gestores. De forma oposta, a percepção dos gestores não apresentou relação com o câmbio do país. A percepção dos gestores quanto ao cenário econômico não pôde ser relacionada a nenhum dos fatores analisados, tais como PIB, investimentos externos, exportações e importações. Quanto aos critérios de reconhecimento e mensuração dos ativos fixos e intangíveis, a percepção dos gestores pode estar relacionada ao valor mínimo local para reconhecimento, pois os ajustes impactam o resultado das subsidiárias. E, por último, a percepção dos gestores quanto à variável impostos pode estar relacionada à carga tributária do país. De maneira geral, os países que possuem forte influência da contabilidade fiscal na contabilidade financeira poderiam se sentir prejudicados, pois estariam mais distantes das práticas contábeis seguidas pela matriz.por
dc.description.abstractThe increase of multinational companies has brought many challenges for the Accounting. For example, this type of enterprise - cross-border - demands over and over accounting information for the management decision, especially in the performance evaluation of the foreign subsidiaries. In order to analyze performance evaluation of their subsidiaries, headquarters, most of the time, define an accounting standard to be used. The foreign subsidiaries managers' adaptation on accounting standards of the headquarters country may generate discontent about performance evaluation. With this, this dissertation has the objective, according managers' perception, to analyze the factors that impact performance evaluation of foreign subsidiaries by headquarters in a multinational enterprise. The research was done through surveys sent to 28 subsidiaries, beyond the headquarters, in order to analyze the perception of the managers about performance evaluation. Some variables were related to the factors in order to conciliate the perception of the managers with characteristics of their country. Results evidenced that the perception of the managers in the currency translation variable is related to the inflation of the country, or either, how much bigger the inflation of the country, worst satisfaction managers will have. In contrast of this, the perception of the managers did not present relation with the exchange of the country. The perception of the managers about the economic scenario could not be related of any analyzed factors, such as the GIP, external investments, exportations and importations. About the criteria of recognition and measurement of the fixed and intangible assets, the perception of the managers could be related to the local minimum value for recognition, therefore the adjustments change the result of the subsidiaries. And, finally, the perception of the managers about tax variable could be related to the tax burden of the country. In general, the countries that have strong influence of the fiscal accounting in the financial accounting could felt wronged, because they would be more distant of the accounting practices followed by the headquarterseng
dc.description.abstractThe increase of multinational companies has brought many challenges for the Accounting. For example, this type of enterprise - cross-border - demands over and over accounting information for the management decision, especially in the performance evaluation of the foreign subsidiaries. In order to analyze performance evaluation of their subsidiaries, headquarters, most of the time, define an accounting standard to be used. The foreign subsidiaries managers' adaptation on accounting standards of the headquarters country may generate discontent about performance evaluation. With this, this dissertation has the objective, according managers' perception, to analyze the factors that impact performance evaluation of foreign subsidiaries by headquarters in a multinational enterprise. The research was done through surveys sent to 28 subsidiaries, beyond the headquarters, in order to analyze the perception of the managers about performance evaluation. Some variables were related to the factors in order to conciliate the perception of the managers with characteristics of their country. Results evidenced that the perception of the managers in the currency translation variable is related to the inflation of the country, or either, how much bigger the inflation of the country, worst satisfaction managers will have. In contrast of this, the perception of the managers did not present relation with the exchange of the country. The perception of the managers about the economic scenario could not be related of any analyzed factors, such as the GIP, external investments, exportations and importations. About the criteria of recognition and measurement of the fixed and intangible assets, the perception of the managers could be related to the local minimum value for recognition, therefore the adjustments change the result of the subsidiaries. And, finally, the perception of the managers about tax variable could be related to the tax burden of the country. In general, the countries that have strong influence of the fiscal accounting in the financial accounting could felt wronged, because they would be more distant of the accounting practices followed by the headquarters.eng
dc.publisherFECAP - Faculdade Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteadopor
dc.publisher.programMestrado em Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégicapor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectInternational business enterpriseseng
dc.subjectInternational business enterpriseseng
dc.subjectEmpresas multinacionais - Contabilidadepor
dc.subjectEmpresas multinacionais - Desempenho - Avaliaçãopor
dc.titleAvaliação da subsidiárias estrangeiras em empreendimentos multinacionais: um estudo de casopor
Aparece nas coleções:Controladoria e Contabilidade Estratégica

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